Monday, August 22, 2005

Welcome - social networking

As a heavy user of various social networks such as LinkedIn, Ecademy and OpenBC I often find it difficult to manage contacts and profiles across these networks. These tools allow me to upload the my Outlook contacts - but how do I download them? Missing these features I decided to add them. Another issue is identifying where emails comes from, i.e. which people and companies. Outlook displays the from address - but what is the company? Rather than having to look up people manually in my address book, I decided to let the computer do this job. Result: A company column is added to the Outlook Inbox so I can instantly see who the mail was from. For your benefit I have decided to share these features with you! I only ask that you provide me with feedback, link with me on LinkedIn and introduce the tool for two friends.

DCR Portal.
DCR Swimlane Editor.
Online dcr xml log to XES converter

Posted by Morten Marquard at 3:01 PM


Nice! I know that www.octopuscity.com allows you to sync contacts from webmail accounts and LinkedIn, but not sure about others.
Posted by Blogger Unknown on 12:15