Monday, August 22, 2005

Welcome - social networking

As a heavy user of various social networks such as LinkedIn, Ecademy and OpenBC I often find it difficult to manage contacts and profiles across these networks. These tools allow me to upload the my Outlook contacts - but how do I download them? Missing these features I decided to add them. Another issue is identifying where emails comes from, i.e. which people and companies. Outlook displays the from address - but what is the company? Rather than having to look up people manually in my address book, I decided to let the computer do this job. Result: A company column is added to the Outlook Inbox so I can instantly see who the mail was from. For your benefit I have decided to share these features with you! I only ask that you provide me with feedback, link with me on LinkedIn and introduce the tool for two friends.

DCR Portal.
DCR Swimlane Editor.
Online dcr xml log to XES converter

Posted by Morten Marquard at 3:01 PM | 1 comments

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Skype toolbar for Outlook - find and collaborate

DocLife Add-in for Outlook integrate Skype telephony and collaboration into Microsoft Outlook XP and 2003. Using DocLife Add-in for Outlook you can initiate Skype calls or chats directly from any Contact in Outlook.

Skype is a powerful collaboration tool; it drives down communication costs, but, more importantly, it adds another dimension to collaboration apart from email.

As a heavy Outlook user I wonder how I can:

  • Define Skype Name for an Outlook Contact
  • Find Skype Name for all Outlook Contacts
  • Start a Skype call or chat directly from within Outlook

As I couldn't find this functionality anywhere, I simply added it out of need.

Define Skype Name for an Outlook Contact

DocLife Add-in for Outlook automatically adds several fields to each contact, including SkypeName. Once you fill in the contacts SkypeName you can start making direct Skype calls or chats directly from within Outlook.


Find Skype Name for all Outlook Contacts

DocLife Add-in for Outlook can lookup Skype Name for all your Outlook Contacts. Simply select Add Skyp to Contacts from the menubar.

This ensures that Outlook Contacts remain your master contact database.

Analyzing 1.600 of my own contacts I found that 15% are using Skype.

Start a Skype call or chat directly from within Outlook

Once Outlook knows the SkypeName it provides you with the ability to initiate a call or chat with Skype directly from a Contact or an Email.

When working with a Contact Skype icons will be present if SkypeName for the contact has been set.

Now you can respond to emails using Skype. If the sender has a SkypeName in Outlook Contacts, you can reply to the email directly from within the email. This functionality will shortly also be available from Outlook Appointments which enables you to schedule meetings with people in Outlook and conduct the conference in Skype.

Using Outlook Journals you can keep track of communication with Contacts, whether emails or Skype calls or chats.

However, I didn't look close enough, and it turn out that Skype has such functionality in beta. The functionality seems to be awesome and complementary to what I have done.

Posted by Morten Marquard at 11:37 PM | 0 comments

Feature requests - please add

As we are starting the beta-period, I welcome any feature requests:
  • LinkedIn contacts of contact viewable flag - a flag that indicated whether you can view contacts of your contacts

Posted by Morten Marquard at 2:35 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, August 06, 2005

DocLife BRM - Corporate version

Today, email is the most important business communication tool carrying more than 50% of information between corporations. Capturing and sharing emails across corporations pose huge challenges, and categorize and archive emails is critical in order to ensure that people are kept up to date.

DocLife BRM, Corporate, is a tool that automatically capture, classify and archive emails for all employees within a group, department or a whole company. Emails can be classified according to intelligent business rules, leveraging Outlook Contacts. Typical classification dimensions include:
  • Company
  • Project
  • Employee
  • Case
  • Date & time
Leveraging Microsoft SharePoint we enable the end-user to get an overview of communication with business partners., including emails, contacts, notes, documents, account status, pipeline, tasks, projects, cases.

If you are interesting in more information, don't hesitate to contact me.

Read more here:

Posted by Morten Marquard at 1:51 PM | 0 comments